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Framing For Integration with Roni Wiener(2022)

What Could You Make Possible If You Told A Different Story?

Humans are constantly engaging in collective meaning-making. We tell each other stories about what is happening to create a shared reality. These stories hold the power to shift everyone’s focus and create new openings.

When we want to bring people together around a shared purpose, we can frame or reframe any situation with stories that invite more choice, connection, and integration. When we facilitate, these stories create a foundation for making decisions that care for everyone’s needs.


In this course, Roni offered a comprehensive introduction to developing framing awareness and skills.

If you missed the live offering, we invite you to 👉 register to watch the FFI1 recordings.

You can learn how to:

  • discern what story to tell when
  • notice different stories in the space and inside you
  • identify the underlying purpose and beliefs
  • reframe without discounting or disagreeing with the previous frame
  • shift internalised stories that do not serve you or others


Roni Wiener

Functions: Facilitating and Coaching

Languages: English, Hebrew

I advocate for personal empowerment and social change through coaching, teaching, consulting, and activism. I enjoy sharing my passion and insights in diverse settings and scales, from small groups to large organizations. My life journey includes two decades of consulting focused on transforming collaboration practices, extensive work in technology projects and design, and an interdisciplinary degree in Psychology, Sociology, and Gender Studies. I offer fun and interactive workshops on topics ranging from process improvement and project planning to nonviolence, relationships, and sexual health. At other times, I may be found on the dance floor, at the beach, cuddling, playing games, engaging in deep conversations, writing an unpublished blog, and plotting global liberation. For more information, visit Roni’s website.