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Ants building a bridge across a gapGrow Convergent Facilitation Capacity in Community

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Upcoming Offerings by CF Providers

Roni Wiener
Verene Nicolas

a hole in a fence inviting the viewer onto an unknown but promising path

Bring more awareness and choice to your thresholds and practice finding supportive language for guiding groups.

Session 1:
Session 2:

When we ask questions or make requests, our wording and delivery deeply influence the responses we receive. How can we use thresholds effectively to support movement, collaboration, and connection?

The term 'threshold' refers to encouraging or limiting the likelihood of people responding or objecting. In Convergent Facilitation, we aim to use thresholds that invite “just enough” interaction so we can move towards a decision without leaving anyone behind. We adjust our thresholds to help people speak up or step back depending on what we believe serves the group in each moment. Supportive thresholds help the group stay together and save time by focusing on information that moves us forward.

Roni Wiener
Magda Baranska

In this workshop, we'll explore expanding needs into full sentences and finding the “sweet spot” between the “why” and the “how”. You can use these skills to resolve disagreements, create more shared understanding, or just bring more flow and joy to your work and collaboration with others.

Date & Time:

Participate in our global learning and practice community

Note, we just changed community platforms (from Hylo to Discourse). Join us here:

map of locations of community members

Hear from Lisa on why bother Learning Convergent Facilitation