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Convergent Facilitation Intensive with Magda Baranska and Roni Wiener (2021)

At the Convergent Facilitation (CF) Intensive we offered a comprehensive introduction to collaborative decision making. We would love for more people to learn Convergent Facilitation and we understand not everyone can attend a live workshop, so we chose to make the recordings and materials availabe.

Original Course Invitation

The Convergent Facilitation (CF) Intensive offers a comprehensive introduction to collaborative decision making. We invite you to learn how to effectively arrive at group decisions that everyone can accept as their own. The skills you acquire will help you make group decisions more easily and effectively at home, in your work, and in your communities. This is an opportunity to learn the basics of the CF process and principles or deepen your practice, no prior experience with CF is needed.


To access the recordings you will need to sign up to NVC Academy 👉 Recordings on NVC Academy: Convergent Facilitation Intensive with Magda and Roni.

These recordings and materials are being offered within a gift economy model to support more financial equity and help move our society toward a needs-based distribution of resources. We invite you to contribute an amount that feels generous and financially sustainable for you. If you are not able to contribute any amount, please choose zero. By contributing more, you are making the recordings and materials more accessible to people who are not able to contribute as much.